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2025-26 Early Childhood Program Application

The Sylvia Meisenberg Early Childhood Program 
at Temple Beth Shalom

2025-2026 School Year Application

Please complete one application per student.





Priority for enrollment in the preschool is as follows:

1st - temple member with returning students and their siblings  
2nd - temple member new to school
3rd - returning student of non-member and their siblings
4th - non-member new to school

Tuition price is the cost per year. .
Your child must meet the age requirement by 9/1 of the class in which they are enrolled in (2, 3 or 4 years old).
Lunch bunch is 1 1/2 hours and only for 2's and 3's classes.  Lunch bunch is $600 per day. if you sign up for all 5 days you receive a 20% discount. 
This program is designed for children in the 3's and PreK classes to stay until 3:45pm. 3's MWF $2,712 per year, 3's M-F $3,488 per year, PreK $1,958 per year.

General Information: 

1. A $150.00 non-refundable registration fee per child is due with the application form. 
2. A deposit of 10% of the annual tuition for the upcoming school year is due with the school contract. This is non-refundable and must be paid by within 30 days from receipt of your acceptance letter.  
3. The Maryland Immunization Certification, Health Inventory Form, and Emergency Card Form must be completed and on file. ALL CHILDREN MUST BE FULLY VACCINATED ACCORDING TO MSDE REQUIREMENTS or have documentation from their physician detailing a medical need for a delayed vaccination schedule. Temple Beth Shalom Preschool does NOT accept religious exemptions for childhood vaccinations. 
4. Monthly tuition payments must be set up on recurring payment plans beginning in August of each school year.
5. A child may not begin school without financial clearance (payment of the deposit and ACH/CC) and completion of all necessary forms.
6. By agreeing to enrollment in the program you are agreeing to pay the full annual tuition cost and it is non-refundable and non-transferable, even if your child is withdrawn from the program for ANY reason. See parent handbook for additional details on the financial obligations.
7. No fees for any classes will be pro-rated without approval of the Temple Administrator.
8. Delinquent payments may result in the child’s enrollment being suspended.
9. All classes require a minimum enrollment. If enrollment is not met, you will be contacted.

Our preschool seeks to meet the needs of all children who attend our school, and as a general policy, each student will be evaluated, on an individual basis, to determine if Temple Beth Shalom is the right fit for your child.  In the case of a child with special needs, consultation with the parents, other relevant professionals, and the Director must take place prior to class placement.  Any reasonable modifications to our policies and practices to accommodate a child with special needs will be considered, as long as no fundamental alteration to our existing program or cost incurs.  As with any matriculating student, all evaluations are determined on an individual basis, with our primary goal of meeting the needs of each student being paramount.

A $150.00 non-refundable registration fee per child is due with the application form. Payment of the application fee does not constitute acceptance into any program/class at Temple Beth Shalom.  

On the next screen please only hit PAY NOW one time. You will receive an email confirmation if your application was submitted successfully. If you have any questions, please contact the temple office at 410-757-0552.

Tue, March 4 2025 4 Adar 5785